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Dogs with Dog Walker


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How Many dogs do you take on an adventure?

At Go Fetch our packs size is between 4 - 6 dogs in each pack. I determine the number of dogs in each pack based on their personalities, size and locations. Each pack is different and while one pack may be fine with lots of friends, another may be more suited to a smaller, more intimate pack.

How do you transport the dogs?

We have a van that has been fitted out with crates so that when the dogs are being transported they have their own space to get them safely to and from! Their safety is our top priority!

What if my dog is injured on a walk?

If your dog is injured and needs urgent medical attention, we will take them to your registered vet. Of course, you will get a phone call to let you know what is happening and can meet us there. A full detailed report of any incidents that happen will always be provided within 24 hours.

Do you always have the dogs off leash?

For the majority of the adventure, yes. The first 5 minutes are generally on leash until they are at a safe enough spot to be let off. At the end of the walk, for around 10 - 15 minutes, dogs are on leash. This is a time for me to do some leash training including controlled close walking and watching for on leash reactions that may need work.

Mental stimulation is just as great for a dog as physical.

My dog isn't desexed, can they come?

This will be a conversation we have in person as it can vary from case to case.

What is the process? Can any dog come on an adventure?

At Go Fetch there is a meet and greet process to go through before your dog can come on adventures. Firstly, I meet in your home to make sure the dog is welcoming to me and doesn't show any sort of aggression or dislike towards me. Then we do two training walks for me to get them ready for a pack walk. If all goes well, they will then been placed in a pack with other dogs I think they will get along with.

Do you take the dogs out in all weather?

YES! Rain, Hail or Shine - we will be out there! As long as there are no road issues prohibiting us from getting there, we will get your dog exercised. If for some reason the weather does stop our adventures, you will be notified.

What if my dog doesn't get along with others?

The safety of all our dogs is top priority. If for some reason your dog doesn't fit a group and there are issues, your dog will be either moved to another group or if a space isn't available, will go on the waiting list for a more suitable spot. We have zero tolerance for any signs of agression.

Are you insured?

Yes. We have gone to great lengths to look into the insurances we require. All of this is covered at the first meet and greet. We are also PET First Aid Certified.

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